New Satirical Flash Fiction – Tiff Goes to the Fair
Tiff Goes to the Fair – Short, sharp satire
My latest flash story Tiff Goes to the Fair has just been published by the good folks at The Insurgence. Tiff Goes to the Fair tells the tale of a girl who dreams of being an influencer, and the job fair that is her one chance to achieve her dream.
Read the Story NOW!
To start, let me offer up thanks and a shout-out to the editors of The Insugence. I am proud to be a part of this socially conscious ‘Zine. Second, I’m giving a tip of the lid to The Insurgence for accepting a satirical piece. Satire is a dangerous game these days. The easily offended tribe might burn one at the stake. With that said, why don’t you run on over to The Insurgence and check out all the fine literary treats on offer?
Read Tiff Goes to the FairThe Insurgence appears on SubStack, a great resource for writers. Consider subscribing to SubStack for all sorts of interests, art, literature, and more. The Insurgence offers fiction, photography, art, and poetry. Plus, it’s a FREE online read. Follow the link, click on the banner image, and–Bingo!–you’re reading online. Easey-peasey. Show the editors some love, support an Indie Author (yours truly!), and all without forking over a dime. You can’t lose!
Tell ’em Marco sent ya, right? I can use the writer’s karma points.
Summer Disappears in Flood…
Not only is summer gone, it’s been washed away in a deluge. Vienna is in the midst of a monsoon. Two hundred centimeters of rain in five days. That’s about eight inches for you folk on the other side of the pond. The flood watch is on and the water’s rising.
Life rafts or no, things are buzzing here at the MEF garret. Look for more tales going live this month. How will you know when a new story breaks free? Glad you asked, Friends. Read On!
Drum roll and… Meanwhile, don’t miss any upcoming stories. You can stay tuned for all the latest by following the MEF blog:
And finally, with your indulgence, allow me to plug a collection of flash fiction. What can I say? I need to pay the virtual rent and you need some summer reading. So… how about a whole barrel of flash fiction, very short stories to read whole bailing out the lifeboats? That’s right, folks, it’s here! Broken Luggage awaits your hungry reader eyes:
Broken Luggage Collected Flash Fiction
Broken Luggage: Two dozen flash fiction tales of love lost and love found, of darkness at the end of life, and light at the beginning.
A man's life condensed into the broken luggage that will contain it. A young woman alone in the Sonoran Desert. Memories of dangerous eggs, thunderstorms, and a gunshot man. A character tours his self-made hell. Another steps from between the pages. Parables of sand and migration A labyrinth into new love, and the remembrance of love past. These two dozen flash stories tell swift tales of love lost and love found, of darkness at the end of life, and light at the beginning.
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