The Pebble – New Micro-Fiction at Quibble Lit
New Micro-Fiction – The Pebble
The Pebble – New Micro-Fiction just published at Quibble Lit. My latest published story is a micro-fiction piece titled The Pebble. This very short story tells the tale of a person visiting a grave in an old cemetery. What is micro-fiction? I’m glad you asked. An entire story told in less than 150 words, less than 100, or perhaps only six words.
Impossible, you say? Then contemplate this famous story by Ernest Hemingway: “For sale: baby shoes, never worn.”
Read the Story NOW!
Let me start by throwing down a huge shout-out to the great editors at Quibble Lit. The Pebble is my second story to appear in this fine ‘Zine. The first was Bad Luck Bus Stop, a quirky ghost story that earned a bit of buzz. I’ll post a link down below. I’m proud to be a returning contributor to Quibble Lit, and I believe The Pebble is a fine addition. Without further ado, mash the big button, and you will be whisked away to the lovely world of a great online and print literary magazine.
Read The PebbleOf course, I want you to read my story The Pebble. It goes without saying, right? However, there is a fantastic array of literary and visual treats on offer at Quibble Lit. Quibble serves up art, fiction, and poetry. Better yet, Quibble is a FREE online read as well as a print journal. Follow the link and click on the section you desire, i.e., poetry, fiction, what-have-you. Bingo!–you’re reading online. Easey-peasey. Show the editors some love, support an Indie Author (yours truly!), and all without forking over a dime. Or, if you’re feeling flush, buy a print copy. Either way, you can’t lose!
Oh, and lest I forget, here’s a link to my story Bad Luck Bus Stop:
Tell them Marco sent ya, right? I can use the writer’s karma points and I’m sure they’ll want to know. Yeah, sure they will.
August (the month, not Strindberg)
Well, My Lovelies, summer is slipping past. Here I am, reveling in the heat and watching the Wieners melting–not hotdogs, but rather the poor citizens of Wien (Vienna). They are creatures not used to or adapted to heat. I derive much schadenfreude from their suffering. I know, not nice.
Ahem, but my life is not all cold drinks and lounge chairs. Things are buzzing here at the MEF garret. Stories to write, stories to submit, and–Yee-haw!–accepted stories to cheer about. We just had one story accepted after a mere two days after submission! Look for more tales going live this month. How will you know when a new story breaks free? Glad you asked, Friends. Read On!
And finally, time for the advert. With your indulgence, allow me to plug a book. What can I say? I need to pay the virtual rent and you need some summer reading. So… how about a great collection of short stories for these last lazy summer days? That’s right, folks, it’s here! Orphaned Lies awaits your hungry reader eyes:
Orphaned Lies – Collected Stories
The Journey of Orphaned Lies
The fifteen stories contained within these pages tell tales of love lost and love found, of darkness at the end of life, and light at the beginning. Unforgettable characters struggle against the impersonal forces of the outside world, and against the flaws they carry within themselves. There is quiet heroism and unwanted heroes discarded, acts of defiance and of acceptance. The inhabitants of these pages learn who they are, and sometimes, who they are not. Enter here, Reader, and join in the journey that is Orphaned Lies.
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