Stories, Not Cows
The May Roundup of New Stories…
It’s roundup time, the May Roundup of new stories, not cows. So, without further ado, here we go:
Doubles – New Dark Fiction
A brand new story – Doubles – New Dark Fiction from the great online ‘Zine Book of Matches. Doubles tells the story of a man haunted by his doppelgänger. Is you is or is you ain’t my evil twin?
Her Face in the Mirror – New Literary Fiction
Her Face in the Mirror, published by the great online ‘Zine Rundelania, tells the tale of an only daughter, her aging mother, and a journey to a small town in Newfoundland.
Reciprocal Debt – New Literary Fiction in Print
My latest short story Reciprocal Debt, published by the Clackamas Literary Review. Reciprocal Debt tells the tale of one man who saves a stranger from an attempted suicide, and what transpires in the aftermath. Chance meetings and strange friendships.
Order your print copy:
Sparagamos – New Dark Fiction
My short story Sparagamos, hot off the Mason Jar Press and live in Jarnal Volume Three. Sparagamos is a modern retelling of the death of Orpheus at the hands of the Maenads. We are talking dark, creepy, and epic.
Order your print copy:
That’s All She Wrote…
Cue Sam Elliot. That’s the Roundup. All the literary doggies are in their corral. Thanks for being readers. Readers Rock the World! For the full lowdown on any or all of these fine stories, run on over to the MEF Blog:
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