“Circus Island”
Just published by Underwood Journal
“Circus Island”
The 2021 Story Parade continues with my latest short story “Circus Island.” Just published by Underwood Journal, it is a story of a young man’s encounter with a small group of circus performers stranded by a pandemic. The circus cannot move and the animals are hungry. When a young Austrian farmer makes a delivery of animal feed, he leaves with an unexpected burden. A huge shout-out and many thanks to Underwood Journal for having faith in my story. This is a free read, so please support Indie Lit-Journals (and your truly) by giving it a read.
Read the Story Now!
“Circus Island” is a available now as a free, online read. Just mash the big “Read Now” button. And hey, a major shout-out to my readers for just being you. Readers Rock!!
Read Circus IslandOr, if you’d rather, here is the link to latest issue of Underwood Journal:
More Stories headed your way…
There are more stories going live this month and continuing right on into April. It’s a parade of stories! And… Stay tuned to the MEF posts and newsletter for updates and publishing announcements. Or how about a novel to help pass the Time of Corona? Here is a link to my latest book, “Breaking the Bundles.”
I truly hope you like this latest story. Stay healthy in these strangest of times. Thanks for being readers. Readers ROCK!!!