Live at Suburban Witchcraft
Drinking with Strangers – New Fiction
And… drum roll… here it is: Drinking With Strangers – New Fiction just published by the lovely folks at Suburban Witchcraft. Drinking With Strangers is a retelling of Rip Van Winkle. Ripley Walker wakes up with a massive hangover. He is in a strange room, a strange bed, covered with a nasty Avengers blanket. He is also twenty years in the future, smack in the middle of a steampunk dystopia.
Read the Story NOW!
Suburban Witchcraft is a great ‘Zine, and the editors are a joy to work with. Issue Seven of Suburban Witchcraft is full of wonderful literary treats, including my story Drinking with Strangers. Without further ado, mash the big button and you will be whisked away to literary land.
Read Drinking with StrangersOf course, everyone loves a good read. Better than that is a free read. That’s right, Friends and Neighbors, Suburban Witchcraft is a free read. Not only that, but Issue Seven is available as a PDF download or an online flip-read. Show the editors some love, and support an Indie Author (yours truly!), all without forking over a dime. You can’t lose!
There is no doubt that Suburban Witchcraft is a great mix of all manner and genre of short fiction. Intrigued? You should be! Besides reading my story Drinking with Strangers (yes please!) you can peruse the current Suburban Witchcraft lineup at:
Tell them Marco sent you!
The Longest Night…
Winter Solstice has passed and yet December continues to break all the records. Drinking with Strangers is the eighth story to go live this month. And, there are at least two more more to come! Hard to believe, I know. Chaos, I tells ya! How will you know when a new story escapes? Glad you asked, Friends. Read On! Drum roll and… Meanwhile, don’t miss any upcoming stories. You can stay tuned for all the latest by following the MEF blog:
And finally, with your indulgence, now is your best chance to find my entire ebook collection for a promotional price at @Smashwords as part of their 2024 End of Year Sale! Find my books and many more at through January 1! All of my books, every single title, are 50% off. (And hey, pssst…. that means that at least one of my books is FREE.)