"Circus Island" Just published by Underwood Journal "Circus Island" The 2021 Story Parade continues with my latest short story “Circus…
"Pas de Deux Confined" Just Published by In Parentheses "Pas de Deux Confined" The 2021 Story Parade continues with my…
"When the Tabloids Ate My Best Friend" Just Published at Literally Stories "When the Tabloids Ate My Best Friend" In…
"The Bear Paw Beat" at The Yard: Crime Blog "The Bear Paw Beat" My latest story live at The Yard:…
"Old Talk" at The Dillydoun Review "Old Talk" My latest short story has just been published by The Dillydoun Review.…
"Hell-Cat laid Low" at Literally Stories "Hell-Cat Laid Low" What if Hell-Cat Maggie and Gallus Mag, the two toughest women…