Hot New Short Stories
I hope all of you are safe and well as we plow through Living in the Time of Corona. Hot, lazy days make for great reading days. I am thrilled to have two new published short stories to offer for your reading pleasure. Both of these stories are free reads, so, without further ado…
The Stillness of a Garden Broken
Just published in the great online journal Literally Stories, “The Stillness of a Garden Broken” is the short tale of a man in his garden, a mysterious black bag, and the possible outcomes of its sudden appearance. This piece has generated a lot of buzz and comments. You can check it out at Literally Stories:
Read The Stillness Of a Garden BrokenAs We Know It
As We Know It is a creative non-fiction piece that has just been published by The Metaworker. This lyrical memoir tells the story of a man wrestling with his anger over the new plague sweeping across the globe.
Read As We Know ItMore Stories headed your way…
Stay tuned to the MEF posts and newsletter for updates and publishing announcements. You may even see the news of a short story collection coming out some time in the Fall of 2020. Unless of course the mice decide that the experiment is over and that answer to everything really is 42. As this crazy year moves on, anything seems possible. Stay safe, stay well, be kind, and thanks for being readers!!
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