2020 has dawned new and bright as a shiny copper penny, at least in my small corner of the publishing world. November and December, 2019, brought a drum-beat of rejections, but the beat has changed from rejection to a tattoo of accepted stories. The writing gods have chosen to smile upon me. They are as fickle as the Greek Gods of myth, my little writing gods, but I will take the good fortune when it comes. Tomorrow’s rejections are tomorrow’s business. Let us instead speak of stories and success.
Four short stories have been published since the New Year turned. Here is a brief roll call for your reading pleasure.
“Mac, Dickran, and The Kid” was the first story of the New Year, appearing at Literary Yard. This is the second story in the New Orleans Trilogy. You can read the story here:
“Ollie-Ollie” was published in February at the great site Literally Stories. You can read this story, along with four other stories, by banging the big button:
“Inside News” was the second story for February. This tale of a young widow and a devil’s bargain appeared in Dime Show Review. Check it out here:
Capping out February was “The Rosary,” a flash-fiction piece about a young woman alone in the Sonoran desert. This story appeared in Mobius: The Journal for Social Change, and I am very proud to be a part of their mission.
I hope you enjoy these short stories. I am very pleased to say that there are more on the way, with five stories having been accepted in the last two months. Look for new publications in the coming months, including a monster long-format story, “Words May Set Your Free.”
If you are interested in previously published stories, you can find them here:
Thank you for reading and for being readers. I hope to have more good news in the coming weeks. Until then, “Ciao for Now!”
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