Just Published by Spinozablue

New Flash Fiction – Room 391
I am jazzed to announce the publication of a New Flash Fiction – Room 391. My dark flash fiction story Room 391 has just been published by the good folks at Spinozablue. Room 391 tells the tale of a banal Monday morning meeting in a top-secret government facility.
Read the Story NOW!
Mash the big orange button, and you’ll be whisked away to a very tasty literature and arts ‘Zine: Spinozablue. If you love edgy prose and eye-bursting art, this is your ‘Zine.
Read Room 391As luck would have it, I scored an acceptance from the editors at Spinozablue on the first submission. Writers are delusional by nature, but sometimes stories and editors click into place. This was one of those lucky occasions. But back to the pitch, besides reading my story Room 391 (yes please!) you can peruse the whole lineup at Spinozablue here:
Yurp in Winter
A cautionary word about Northern Europe in February: Don’t. I huddle inside the lonely MEF writer’s garret, bundled up and trying to stay warm. Meanwhile, it’s busy, busy, busy, like good little Bokononists. May you live in interesting times, cursed the small, wizened monk. Too true. Have a look out the window.
That said, Room 391 is my seventh published piece for 2025. There are a whole lot more stories coming your way, so hold onto your hats, folks! So, how will you know when a new story breaks? Glad you asked, Friends. Read On! Drum roll and… Meanwhile, don’t miss any upcoming stories. You can stay tuned for all the latest by following the MEF blog:
And finally, with your indulgence, allow me a blatant book plug. I’m heading to the USA next month and flights ain’t cheap. Thow me a bone and buy a book, willya? Thanks!
Blood Rust Chains

The Past Has Power!
Quinn discovers a violent history: his own. A deadly mystery in the present collides with his past. Sobriety, love, and life are at stake. The past has power. A promising writer, Quinn Boyd dreams of completing his novel, breaking free from the shackles of his past. While researching a magazine article on genealogy, Quinn is confronted with a history of family violence, his own history. The deeds of his newly-discovered ancestors become a backdrop to his violent upbringing.
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