A New Short Story
Grimy Escapes Salvation
My short story Grimy Escapes Salvation has just been published by the hard-working editors at Fiction Week Literary Review. Grimy Escapes Salvation is the story of a religious dystopia and the struggles of the riffraff who live and scavenge on the margins of the ruins.
Read the Story Now!
Good news, Friends and Neighbors! Fiction Week Literary Review is a FREE read for your hungry eyes. Mash the big button! Once you’re there, you’ll find my latest short story as well as other great literary treats. What are you waiting for?
Read Grimy Escapes SalvationFor you button phobic folks, here is the direct link to my new story at Fiction Week Literary Review. W00T! Free Read! Just mash the link and away we go! If you like my story, please leave likes, comments or both.
Better yet, browse the rest of the fine Literary Heist library. Here is the general link:
Busy, Busy Busy!
Hey folks, these are busy times here at the MEF dungeon. New stories are busting at the seams. Submissions are flooding out onto the mean streets of submission land. Accepted stories are strutting back into the shop, swaggering like drunken hoodlums. It’s madness, I tells ya!! Read all about it on the MEF blog! Or, better yet, sign up for my alerts so you won’t miss a single story.
Autumn is Here…
The last days of summer may have passed us by, but Fall has it’s own delights. And no, I ‘m not talking about pumpkin spice! How about a brand new collection of short fiction for your reading needs? Stay strong, be kind, and keep reading!
Broken Luggage Collected Flash Fiction
Broken Luggage: Two dozen flash fiction tales of love lost and love found, of darkness at the end of life, and light at the beginning.
A man's life condensed into the broken luggage that will contain it. A young woman alone in the Sonoran Desert. Memories of dangerous eggs, thunderstorms, and a gunshot man. A character tours his self-made hell. Another steps from between the pages. Parables of sand and migration A labyrinth into new love, and the remembrance of love past. These two dozen flash stories tell swift tales of love lost and love found, of darkness at the end of life, and light at the beginning.
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