A New Short Story
Five Minutes with Joe
My short story Five Minutes with Joe has just been published by the wonderfully odd editors at Literally Stories. Five Minutes with Joe tells the story of a very strange thing that happened at a very special rock concert in the long ago and far away. I’m throwing out a tip o’ the writer lid and a huge shout out to the editors of Literally Stories. They support and publish my scribbles, and I love them dearly!
Read the Story Now!
Good news, Friends and Neighbors! Literally Stories is a FREE read for your hungry eyes. Mash the big button! There you can find my latest short story as well as other great literary treats. What are you waiting for?
Read Five Minutes with JoeFor you button phobic folks, here is the direct link to my story at Literally Stories. W00T! Free Read! Just mash the link and away we go! If you like my story, please leave likes, comments or both.
If you would like to browse the rest of the fine Literally Stories library, here is the general link:
I’m here to tell you, Friends and Neighbors, June and July were tough enough to make a bitch coyote eat her pups. But wait, August is all good news! Five Minutes with Joe is only the third of at least four (count ’em, FOUR!) new stories coming your way this month. It’s going to be a good summer! Read all about it on the MEF blog! Or better yet, sign up for my alerts so you won’t miss a single story.
But Hey, Summer Reading…
Are you sizzling on a tropical beach or traveling to far-off lands? I hope so! How about a brand new collection of short fiction for your vacation reading? Stay strong, be kind, and keep reading!
Orphaned Lies – Collected Stories
The Journey of Orphaned Lies
The fifteen stories contained within these pages tell tales of love lost and love found, of darkness at the end of life, and light at the beginning. Unforgettable characters struggle against the impersonal forces of the outside world, and against the flaws they carry within themselves. There is quiet heroism and unwanted heroes discarded, acts of defiance and of acceptance. The inhabitants of these pages learn who they are, and sometimes, who they are not. Enter here, Reader, and join in the journey that is Orphaned Lies.
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