A New Short Story
Doubles – New Dark Fiction
A brand new story – Doubles – New Dark Fiction from the great online ‘Zine Book of Matches. My latest short story Doubles has just been published by the hard-working editors at Book of Matches. Doubles tells the story of a man haunted by his doppelgänger. Is you is or is you ain’t my evil twin?
Read the Story NOW!
Book of Matches offers an online flip-book format as well as a FREE downloadable PDF version. This fine literary magazine showcases the best in contemporary poetry, fiction, and essays. Grab your very own copy of Book of Matches Issue 8. The PDF is FREE! Just mash the big button or click the link below.
Read DoublesBesides my latest story, Book of Matches Issue 8 is chock-full of literary treats. Not only do you get a great read, you support independent literature. Good on ya! Top-notch content awaits your hungry reader eyes. I think you’ll dig it! Here is the link:
Wave the Red Flag!
It’s May Day! Raise the Red Flag, Man the Barricades, Read Fiction by Independent Authors! Bang the drum! The acceptances for the month of March are emerging as the published stories of May. That means more publishing announcements on the horizon. Stay tuned to the MEF blog for all the latest. What’s New In Marco’s World is here:
Craving More Stories?
Sure you are! Fear not, Good Readers! We’ve got your back on this one. How about your very own copy of my latest flash fiction collection:
Broken Luggage Collected Flash Fiction
Broken Luggage: Two dozen flash fiction tales of love lost and love found, of darkness at the end of life, and light at the beginning.
A man's life condensed into the broken luggage that will contain it. A young woman alone in the Sonoran Desert. Memories of dangerous eggs, thunderstorms, and a gunshot man. A character tours his self-made hell. Another steps from between the pages. Parables of sand and migration A labyrinth into new love, and the remembrance of love past. These two dozen flash stories tell swift tales of love lost and love found, of darkness at the end of life, and light at the beginning.
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