Featured in Hotch Potch Volume Three Issue Two
Dog and Man – New Literary Fiction
I am thrilled to announce my latest short story Dog and Man – New Literary Fiction, just published in Hotch Potch, Volume Three, Issue Two. Dog and Man tells the tale of a dog, an old man, and the past that threatens them both. The genre is literary fiction.
Welcome to Hotch Potch Volume Three Issue Two, the sixth issue of a new collective literary arts magazine. Seven contributing editors, fifteen guest writers, and three featured visual artists collaborated to create a great literary and arts ‘Zine. Inside Volume Three Issue Two you will find thirteen short stories, eight flash or drabbles, two interviews with our guest artists, and great artwork throughout the ‘Zine. This fine collection of literary treats includes my story Dog and Man.
Read the Story NOW!
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Read Dog and ManIf you’d rather use the direct link to Book Funnel, look no further. Your free copy of Hotch Potch Volume Three Issue Two awaits:
A New Year bangs to life…
The New Year is well underway, my Lovelies, and I wish each of you peace and prosperity. Dog and Man is my third story to go live this year. There will be a whole lot more, so hold onto your hats, folks!
So, how will you know when a new story breaks? Glad you asked, Friends. Read On! Drum roll and… Meanwhile, don’t miss any upcoming stories. You can stay tuned for all the latest by following the MEF blog:
And finally, with your indulgence, allow me a blatant book plug. Everyone needs a good book, right?
The Wrong Name
Stories from the darker edge
The Wrong Name – Stories from the Darker Edge, stories of the darkness that lies within us, and the occasional glimmer of hope that keeps us afloat in the shadows. Doppelgangers and crones, artificial and human intelligence gone wrong, murder, revenge, tragedies embraced, and fates narrowly avoided. Reluctant heroes tire of the chase and ghosts relive the past. Bodies must be disposed of, corpses arise, and dreams damned. Here is magick, for good or ill. Twenty-one tales of darkness, and the occasional glimmer of hope that keeps us afloat in the shadows. Welcome, Reader, to The Wrong Name.
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