
Myanmar Chapt. 12 : Overcoming Adversity in Bagan

Bird Bits, Bird Bits, Tasty Little Bird Bits... The Travel Gods do not always smile upon us, nor does the…

5 years ago

Myanmar Chapt. 11: The Small Travel — Meiktila

It would be a day of small travel and unexpected destinations. My One was under the weather with a head…

5 years ago

My First Non-Fiction Piece Published!

Publishing success is always good news. I am thrilled to interrupt the travel blog for a special announcement! My first…

5 years ago

Myanmar Chapt 10: The Real Slow Train

Shwenyaung, a Station from Another Time... My Heart and I were up early, bustling around the bungalow, performing the last…

5 years ago

Myanmar Chapt. 9: Quiet Days and Harmless Hounds

Sao Shwe Thaike and His Spectacles... My Heart and I agreed to another quiet day before moving further across Myanmar.…

5 years ago

Myanmar Chapt. 8: Inle Lake

Morning on Inle Lake... Inle Lake is a wide, shallow lake bordered by wetlands. The lake covers a flat valley…

5 years ago

Myanmar Chapt. 7 — Nyaungshwe

All Canals Lead to Inle Lakeā€¦ The day came hot and bright, and with it the promise of walkabout in…

5 years ago

Myanmar Chapt. 6: Heading North

Morning Tea Shop... Myanmar is an oddly shaped land, resembling a very rough diamond with a long, curving tail. The…

5 years ago

Myanmar Chapt. 5: Mao Bikes and Bugs

Shwemawdaw Pagoda Bago is a busy provincial town in southern Myanmar, complete with a bustling market, a noisy, dusty main…

5 years ago

Myanmar Chapt. 4: Riding That Train

The Aging Yangon Stations... Before we begin, I am obliged to come clean with a Fan-Boy disclaimer: I love trains.…

5 years ago