Live at The Broken Teacup
Scorpion Aftertaste – New Fiction
Here it is, Lovely Readers, Scorpion Aftertaste – New Fiction, just published by the lovely editors at The Broken Teacup. Scorpion Aftertaste tells the tale of a hardworking man abused by his drunken Ex and how he learns to deal. The genre is literary fiction.
Read the Story NOW!
The Broken Teacup is a great new online ‘Zine just embarking on their second issue. I’m proud to be a part of this fine ‘Zine full of wonderful literary treats, including my story Scorpion Aftertaste. Without further ado, mash the big button and you will be whisked away to literary land.
Read Scorpion AftertasteEveryone loves a good read, and better yet a free read. That’s right, Friends and Neighbors, The Broken teacup is a free read. Show the editors some love, and support an Indie Author (yours truly!), all without forking over a dime. Just scroll down until you see my name or the title Scorpion Aftertaste, then give it a click. You can’t lose!
Tell them Marco sent you!
Longer Days, Shorter Nights…
Truth be told, Scorpion Aftertaste is not a holiday story. That said, I want to offer a joyous holiday greeting to all my readers, regardless of your chosen flavor of holiday celebration. Have at it, and you do you!
Holidays or no, it’s flat nuts here at the tiny MEF headquarters. Scorpion Aftertaste is the tenth story to go live this month. Hard to believe, I know. Chaos, I tells ya! How will you know when a new story escapes? Glad you asked, Friends. Read On! Drum roll and… Meanwhile, don’t miss any upcoming stories. You can stay tuned for all the latest by following the MEF blog:
And finally, with your indulgence, now is your best chance to find my entire ebook collection for a promotional price at @Smashwords as part of their 2024 End of Year Sale! Find my books and many more at through January 1! All of my books, every single title, are 50% off. (And hey, pssst…. that means that at least one of my books is FREE.)