A Pair of Amulets

A New Fantasy Short Story – Just Published in Livina Press Issue 11
I am thrilled to announce the publication of A New Fantasy Short Story – A Pair of Amulets. My short story A Pair of Amulets has just been published by the lovely editors at Livina Press. A Pair of Amulets tells the tale of a sister and brother, twins born under the curse of their village. Orphaned by the death of their father, they set on a journey. Look for it in Livina Press Issue 11.
Read the Story NOW!
Mash the big orange button, and you’ll be whisked away to order your very own copy of Livinia Press Issue 11. This latest issue is available as an eBook or paperback. Back issues of Livina Press can be ordered as PDFs.
Order Livina Press Issue 11This is my first acceptance by Livina Press, but I am hopeful for a return engagement. This time, I scored an acceptance the first time out. W00T! If you like what Livina Press is doing, you can peruse the rest of their lineup here:
Diving Into February…
The frosty winds of February howl outside the MEF garret, carrying the drumbeats of tyranny. Another day, another batch of despotic craziness. It’s getting harder and harder to write speculative fiction because just watching the news is a long dive into the bizarre and unbelievable. Oh well, interesting times, right?!?
That said, A Pair of Amulets is my eighth published piece for 2025. There are a whole lot more stories coming your way, so hold onto your hats, folks! How will you know when a new story breaks? Glad you asked, Friends. Read On! Drum roll and… Meanwhile, don’t miss any upcoming stories. You can stay tuned for all the latest by following the MEF blog:
And finally, with your indulgence, allow me a blatant book plug. I’m heading to the USA next month and flights ain’t cheap. Thow me a bone and buy a book, willya? Thanks!
Broken Luggage Collected Flash Fiction

Broken Luggage: Two dozen flash fiction tales of love lost and love found, of darkness at the end of life, and light at the beginning.
A man's life condensed into the broken luggage that will contain it. A young woman alone in the Sonoran Desert. Memories of dangerous eggs, thunderstorms, and a gunshot man. A character tours his self-made hell. Another steps from between the pages. Parables of sand and migration A labyrinth into new love, and the remembrance of love past. These two dozen flash stories tell swift tales of love lost and love found, of darkness at the end of life, and light at the beginning.
Discover more from Marco Etheridge Fiction
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